I just flipped the switch on my latest project; The rebuild of the Manifest Digital site. I have to say this is one of the most ambitious projects I have taken on so far, but I am happy with the results (for first launch at least). We have more plans for it in other soft launches, but for the sake of time (and having an actual site up), this is a good place to start.
This was my first use of Papervision 3D, and second (heavy) use of AS3, so it was definitely a fast learning experience. Total working time was about 90+ hours over 1.5 weeks, and the final results was just over 2,500 lines of code. Honestly the amount of code isn’t a bragging point as I would be much more proud to be able to say it was 1 line of godly-efficient code, but the idea that I had to write that much in the past couple weeks even makes myself sick.
Anyway, Take a look for yourself:
Update Fri 13, 2008:
I was just informed that the site got a spot on NotCot which gave us a decent bump in hits. NotCot is one of my favorite places to explore, and of course the one day I don’t get a chance to go Manifest slips by. Anyway, you can check it out yourself.