I recently finished another piece for an upcoming gallery show. I am calling this one The Generative Wasp Landing. Obviously it is a followup piece to my first one, The Generative Eye.
This time I decided to use a slightly different “brush” by using more of a circular glob shape, and I wanted their motion to be different than the first. I ended up using brownian motion to make the brushes move around the canvas this time. This gave it a much more organic feel than my first piece. I also had them scanning over a texture this time so that they would give the impression of real paint much more than just vector shapes. The entire application was written in Adobe Flash CS3.
The final piece will be on display:
Thursday, July 30, 6-9pm
Demitasse Cafe, 1066 W. Taylor ST. Chicago IL
Here is a video of this piece being generated:
And a few other shots I took while working on this final piece.